
Tuesday, October 24, 2023

It's Their Fault : Depression Series

One of the fleeting signs of when I am depressed at least for my experience is when I always blame others.

Its unusually magnified that my boss, my family or colleague is wrong.

Its a normal thing that it's their fault.

Like even all the hardship I am going through is because its somebody's fault.

Work is Life follower

Like any other idle person, my pastime is social media.

And I particularly enjoyed looking at sharers in that group about their work dilemma.

And unsurprisingly, I saw many post that blames others about their mishaps.

And I am particularly moved and I totally understand what they are getting at.

I kinda convinced myself that those sharer's is going through some kind of depression.

Since I experienced the same thing.

Mild anxiety or depression or whatever it may be (not a diagnosis by any means but just generally describing depression).

It seems to me that many working Filipino are struggling to some kind of anxiety.

And am saddened that it feels like it is ever increasing in numbers.

My Increased Meat Diet

I feel like when I finally knew what my body is allergic to, through carnivore, I felt like I am ever free to feeling depressed and anxious.

While I add now rice to my diet and contiously eating volume of meat (especially beef) vs carbs intake, I feel that this diet for me is sustainable and working.

I feel like my anxiety and sleep is improving and I can function well in a corporate world.

Unlike before like when I have crazy thoughts and involuntary talking to myself. (My darkest days experiencing depression ☹️).

Anyway, I hope more people can able to learn that food is healing, just like what it did to me.

It doesn't mean everybody will be allergic to dairy like I do, but increasing meat especially beef for me, makes miracles. I dont know why, if I just eat chicken like days in a row, I dont feel crazy or anything but my mental focus is too sensitive. Like my brain wont switch off before sleeping and will constantly be startled with normal noice around the house.

Whereas if I eat beef, noice does not bother me. So I really believe to start with these meat first and gradually add other meat that you like.

This post should be about depression only but I cant help talk about how I cured it starting with elimination diet carnivore. 😆.

Anyway meat 🥩 - beef has the best effect to my brain, I do not know the science behind it but I will continue to consume it ♥️.

That is it for now.

Thank you for reading all the way.

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