This always piqued my interest when I scroll down through social media.
"Your salary is a bribe they give you to forget your dreams"
"Quit the Rat Race'
Francis Kong
Atomic habits
Rich dad poor dad
Steve Harvey
The common well known folks Like Warren Buffet/ Bill Gates etc..
Well some of it comes from books but many or parts from book are posted on social media as motivational quotes.
I think this habit of mine, being in awe and sharing motivational quotes via social media goes on for many years.
And even up to till now, of course I do not brush away good quotes.
But the difference now, is that I do not dwell so much about it and thinking how can I able to apply it on my own life.
As I have elaborated on my previous post, its not that I lack from inspiration that my life is not like I wanted.
My laziness and feeling uninspired to do do anything is a symptom of a deeper health problem.
My inflammation on the body, which resulted to my depression, fatigue, laziness, brain fog, adhd and so on.
And good thing those unseen inflammation is somehow lessened by choosing the right diet and identifying that I have a dairy allergy.
I am so happy that through elimination diet or carnivore or the lion diet has enable me to know what absolute food is a no for me, what food is the most dense and made me full the longest so I can just focus of those and start my healing.
With my health getting better and my sleep getting better, a big cloud in my mind suddenly was blown away and I started to have a clear mind.
A clear mind that can work, without the help of too much motivational quotes.
I can start off my day just fine not needing additional emotional strength 😆.
I think that is it for now.
Sorry it's kind of hard to get my point across.
But thank you for reading all the way.
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