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Ok. This topic goes back to the laziness that has been going on in my life.

Monday, July 1, 2024

unexpected ways I save money

The thought of keeping some bucks into my pocket is always welcome.

Here are the some unexpected ways I save money.

1. I have switched to shampoo bars

109 pesos shampoo bar from Lazada will last me more than 5 months a piece. (Whoops shampoo bar from Lazada - you can get it from Shopee as well)

So what I do is buy 2 or 3 pieces at a time then cut 1 bar in half and use it till it melts.

Saves me a lot of money. They are unscented at it lathers really well.

I remember before that 

2.Haircut - buying a scissor specific for hair cut has saved me a lot of money.

Especially because I am not picky when it comes to my hair. 

I have wavy hair and I usually like my haircut plain straight. So I just follow a simple tutorial on YouTube and cut my hair away, annd since my hair is naturally waivy, imperfections are unnoticeable.

Of course, in a year I still get my hair cut from a salon but for just refreshing my hair with a 1 to 2 inches of trim, I am confident that I can diy it at home ☺️.

3. Waxing - although waxing at salons are convenient, it becomes burdensome due to price hence I became determined to do my own wax.

I watched a lot of tutorials online. At first I was drawn to sugar waxing, then I have tried hot waxing and lastly hard wax.

I learned that hard waxing is best on sensitive areas because its less messy while hot wax where in you use wax paper is best for legs.

Just a disclaimer though, I think DIYing hot wax is a skill. So just do it if you are confident you are not gonna burn your own skin. I feel that I get comfortable doing it on my own because I observe the people who work at the salon closely & Ithink that I don't have that sensitive skin, so I can tolerate some heat👍.

That is it for now..

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