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Ok. This topic goes back to the laziness that has been going on in my life.

Friday, August 25, 2023

Is it addiction or Mental Problem

I really cannot believe that brain can be damaged since it does not show obvious signs.

Like for example, being excessively addicted to something useless, and I cannot.....

I repeat, I cannot talk my way out of it.

I mean, addiction (not substance abuse) but addicted to a bad habit, should be relatively easy to break right?

But no matter how many motivation or advice from great people I get from (of course I am talking about people from the internet 🤣), I just couldn't cut away my bad habit aka addiction.

I have a theory that somehow you needed more than a will power to do, what you intended to do.

I think we needed a perfectly working brain.

To have a perfectly working brain, you need to be optimal in terms of you food choices(cough carnivore/lion diet) and overall health.

Well, this might be just a useless opinion of a random person over the internet, but I think it makes sense that if you eat crappy and your lifestyle is just walk inside your house, you will obviously develop depression. 

And its a mind thing right. Depression is a mind thing. 
It's how you think and feel about yourself but you look perfectly normal outside.

Depression is like, you thought you are depressed but in reality you are just not eating good food and moving a lot.

Let me repeat, bad lifestyle and bad food destroys how you think.

So in conclusion, possibly the reason why I cannot quit my addiction is because my brain is damaged. It is damaged not to the point of depression but damaged enough not to act/work/move of any resolve I have, like in this case breaking my addiction.

So, action plan should be, improve health, eat more beef and incorporate jumping exercises.

I hope that somehow, repairs my brain damage 🤣.

Not to forget sleep. I am thankful I am getting good sleep in a week already hence this is one less factor I have to think about.

Anyway, if in case you just feel lazy and doesn't have a will power to be a doer, blame it on your damaged brain. Says the random blogger here on the internet 🤣.

Anyway that is it for now. Thank you for reading all the way.

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