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Ok. This topic goes back to the laziness that has been going on in my life.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Role models

Now that I am 35, I definitely understand the importance of having role models.

Especially in my time, the only role models I see are personalities on tv which mainly dont portray proper character to live a better life.

I often just see personalities wherein the more they insult people the more popular they are. The more you make yourself look better than others the better and apparently people will like you but that doesn't really happen in real life but only on variety shows 😞. Which is kind of scary, because in a real world, when you try to build business or work in a corporate job being arrogant, boastful and foul mouthed is the last thing you should do if you want to have a harmonious relationship with your colleagues or everyone else in general.

I think the famous person that I look up to now is Dave Ramsey when I have read his book The legacy Journey. It's pretty much describes his ups and downs, path to knowing his faith and how should he treat his money. 

I really think that this book has given me a online role model that I can copy because Dave Ramsey has shown his time when he was bankrupt which I can relate. (Not that I am bankrupt but if you follow my blog, you know I lost a lot on money in trading Forex and stocks.)

I can really relate to him because I am too is chasing money success/financial freedom blindly. And upon my downfall, I do not know what to do next?

I think that role models are really important so I can have a good idea on how to treat money so in turn I make better decisions. Truthfully earning money is a big goal for me that time and I was so devastated when I lost it.

But having a good Christian role model who teach about money like Dave Ramsey has opened my eyes not to be devastated.

My then greatest goal to be rich has been humbled down and not my priority anymore. Although I still have to check it in my heart sometimes because I really admit that I like material things, but at least I am learning that I should check my heart and stop myself from wanting things that I cannot bring when my physical body dies.

Anyway enough about my story, I actually wanted to write this post because of Andrea Brillantes. I really think that she is so beautiful but the persona that is being portrayed about her is copied from a person was from comedy shows. Sorry for being judgemental but I just feel like Andrea doesn't have the right role models around her. But she is still young and there are a lot of opportunities to meet someone as her good role model ♥️. And I genuinely hope she finds it soon because I see a lot of potential in her.

Going back to make my final point, role models are really important. I hope many people will have good role models at a very young age, you know for the obvious reasons. Actually, I was thinking would it be different if I knew about Dave Ramsey when I was in my early 20's?  Maybe yes maybe no? Either way I now live in the present hence I just have to live it from this point on. With the right role model, I do not feel as devastated as before. I do not feel lost and I have better clarity on what my priorities are due to the teachings of my role model. I think I'll end it here.

That is it for now.

Thanks for reading all the way.

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