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Ok. This topic goes back to the laziness that has been going on in my life.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Financial Freedom Gone Wrong || What to do if Things Doesn’t go According to Plan?

I started pursuing financial freedom I think at the age of 27-28 or 29.

I was dead serious about saving as much money as I can, so that I can have the capital to either start a business or venture out to investing.

I did a lot of planning and budgeting.

I tried to save every peso I can.

At times I even save money in the wrong sense, whereas I took Jeepney rather than UV thinking a bit of money is better than saving time.

Confession Time: My Portfolio in PSE and Forex are all red. That is sad when I  deeply depend on those passive incomes now that I quit my job.

And I am very transparent here in the blog that I will exert all my efforts to stay away from the employee quadrant.

I put in a lot of time and effort as well to learn the trade and it still fails me.

So, my advice?

If things doesn’t go according to plan?

1.       It's not the end of the world
I am in deep silence these last two months (no blog post, but I tried to post few times a week on FB page), I have no motivation to write anything for the blog and a lot of my time is wasted.

I still push myself to be productive in doing everyday chores and working out  a few times a week to achieve my desired muscle growth, besides that, nothing special happens in my day.

2.     Online Accountability Partner

The last time I make myself accountable online is when I save 30k in four months.

And I am happy that I manage to make that a reality.

Having an accountability partner online or with a person you trust is effective in a way but it can be a double edge sword.

Now my other side of the story is, I made my plans all visible to the world and my plans sadly did not go according to how I expected it.

So what now?

Like I said earlier, it's Not the End of the World.

You still own the greatest asset and no one can take that away from you. Perseverance, firsthand experience and knowledge, and faith and willpower.

Sounds lousy, but many planned their way out, to stop running after money, but many did not make a move to make their dreams a reality.

Thumbs up!

At least we tried.

3.     Don’t test the water with both feet

As always I am a bit stubborn and test the waters with one foot and a half.

At least I have a quarter of my feet left to start again. The worst going to happen is dedicate my life again as an employee, it's not that bad but If ever I decided to go back being an employee I want my full heart in it. I don’t want to short change anybody with my service.

4.     Let the word “I Quit” especially on your dreams should not be present

I quit a number of times on career and people and I must admit that some of those are bad moves.

But there is something that pushes me not to quit on my financial freedom journey. Financial freedom does not consist the entirety of my life, but this is one work that I will never be tired of going back into.

5.     The Ultimate Goal is not Money

Money is just a tool.

On the process of running after my financial freedom, most of the time I was consumed to the thought that money is my goal, without even realizing it.

Maybe that is the reason why I fail.

As Roberto Kiyosaki says,

Poor Dad thought money was the goal.
Rich Dad says achieving your dream is the goal.

Money is just a tool, that allows you to live your dream.

Money itself is worthless.

If money is your goal, then your goal is worthless.
I keep on reassessing what my ultimate goal is and the answer is really not a million pesos on my bank account.

My ultimate dream is a happy and healthy family and strong spiritual faith in Jesus starting with my family and everyone around us.

Final Thoughts

When everything seems to go wrong and life let you down on your feet, remember that in life these things normally happen.

Get up on your feet as fast as you could and remember that you have an advantage this time.

Your advantage is accumulated knowledge from past mistakes.

        A mistake is only a mistake if you don’t learn from it. ---

That is it thanks for reading all the way!

John 15:7-8
If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you.

This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.

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