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Ok. This topic goes back to the laziness that has been going on in my life.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Plank Exercise to Get Rid of Double Chin

They say you cannot spot reduce on any parts of your body especially facial fat and fat around your neck.

And true enough after trying to do a facial massage to, at least reduce some water retention around my face, it actually didn’t quite resulted to the expectation I wanted.

So, having no more option but to lose weight all over my body I tried HIIT Cardio.

I really like HIIT workout and there is one version that I really like, the no jumping 10 minute workout which doesn’t involved anything that would turn my legs and calves huge (I don’t like that aesthetic because I don’t think it compliments my body).

But there is a little bit of downfall when trying to do an overall body workout, I lose fats on every parts of my body especially the flattering parts. My butt and my breast.

That makes me so sad. Because even the parts that I am proud of are disappearing, I like to lose my facial fat and my tummy fats, but at the expense of losing my bum, that really makes me so sad.


Fast forward I look over the internet to find exercises that I might like that would target my tummy area without exerting too much effort like running or jumping.

It popped out to my mind that PLANKING might be a good idea. The previous HIIT workout that I follow on Youtube have one variation of planking ‘downward dog with push up’, and I find it really challenging and at the same time my complains about running or jumping is address because I don’t have to use a lot of my leg muscles for it.

I look over Youtube to find a workout that only involves planking and I now follow Pamela RF 7 min plank exercise. I’ve been doing this Plank Exercise for 3 weeks straight already because I love it so much.

My upper body and arm are getting stronger in my opinion and my tummy is getting tighter along with the right food intake.

And two more things I notice are my facial fat and fat around my neck is also reduced which makes me so happy.

In my opinion, this makes my overall appearance looks younger. My facial fat that sags under my cheeks is now firmer. My double chin has not completely disappeared but I can see definition already. It used to look like I have a bigger face because the fat on my neck somehow camouflage together with my sagging cheeks and my double chin all at the same time. It’s a little bit hard to explain, but I feel that my skin started to lose its firmness, which contributes to looking older that I suppose to be.

Related Post:

Guide to planking to lose double chin and facial fat:

Following the form of Pamela RF 7 Minutes Plank Exercise really is the best form to lose fat around your neck and around you face. Just look straight facing the ground the same as if you are standing, your eyes should be ‘eye level’ as they say.

Before I thought that looking upwards will target my double chin better, but it turns out that is not a good idea.

I get more results from following the form of Pamela RF better that experimenting on my own.

As I said earlier, my double chin is not completely removed but my face is a lot more firmer and the fat around my neck is reduced (I finally can see a huge gap between my body and face, I think the effect was my neck elongated, not really but it looks like it).

Aside from reducing fat on my facial area, I love the idea that my upper body is way stronger now. My tummy area is firmer, I used to have 30 inches of waistline and you can imagine how much sagging skin can that result to. My waistline now is 28 inches; I need to lose more on that area but my priority right now is to grow back my glutes. Growing back my glutes means eating more carbs so my tummy needs to be compromised for the mean time.

Anyway, that will be for another post update.

Hope you try PLANKING at home and I really recommend Pamela RF videos they are amazing.

That’s it.

Thanks for reading all the way!

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