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Ok. This topic goes back to the laziness that has been going on in my life.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

How Do You Survive an Anxious Mind

Absolutely No❗

You cannot live in an anxious mind.

You won't get sleep.

Your focus will disappear from not getting enough sleep.

You make mistakes at work because of lack of focus.

You ruin your source of income because you don't get to make good choices/ decisions at work.

You simultaneously loose your good relationships because, you became dumb from being lack of quality sleep. You will snap at anyone, being irritable all the time until the times comes that nobody will come near to you because of how annoying you are.

Self Help will Not Fix an Anxious Mind

Even the most eloquent person cannot able to influence you to be calm and confident.

Step by step strategy will not work as well. Atomic habits??? - well at first but its not sustainable.

You know when you felt really moved by a quote, but later on its just a bunch of words.

It did not make a big impact in your life.

So no. Self help stuff will not work.

Dont quote me on this,

But what gives me results so far is 

1. Sleep
2. Increase my Meat intake ( ideally i should follow carnivore diet but I can't give up rice).
3. Exercise

If I only focus on diet and neglect my sleep, my mind is ruin, I get anxious, I get adhd, unproductive and all the bad things.

If I only focus on sleep and not diet ( like coffee, eating junk, like sweets sugar, milk )

I also began to look terrible and my quality of thinking process is really poor.

If I don't exercise, I feel sick and inflammation comes right up my body which in turn slows down my healing process while sleeping.

No sleep, I get anxious.

Do What you Think is Best

I don't wanna swear by these methods like a 100%, but as of now this really helps me currently.

I am loving the results so far.

If in case it doesn't work out for you, well maybe pick out some take away you can apply on in your life.

PS. I am a bad sleeper hence, I have a routine for sleeping good ( i have written it down to my previous post 😊)

That is it for now.

Thank you for reading all the way ❗

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