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Monday, October 23, 2017

Up Career Highlights: Featuring PINK PENSIEVE (I Am Cyndrel)

Third on the list for Up Career Highlights is here. Thank you thank you so much for the people who make this workout. You know the mechanic's guys; 
I will feature people in no particular category, whether it may be about blogging, food enthusiast, traveller, teacher or anything of all sorts of walk of life and ask them their thoughts in general about ‘success’.

Let’s start.

1. What is your name and what do you do?

"My name is Mary Cyndrel, but most of my friends just call me Cyndrel. I'm a licensed teacher, I majored in English. I am currently working as an ESL instructor at a Japanese company somewhere in Makati. Basically, I talk for a living and I write on my spare time."

2. What is your motivation to start a blog? (or if not running a blog, your motivation on a certain career) 
"I started my blog way back 2012 just because I felt like my 3-dimensional friends are SO sick of hearing my stories over and over. I didn't want to bother them anymore, but I figured I needed an outlet. My original plan was to just use my blog as an online diary. But then, I started meeting new people and I was fortunate enough to have opportunities to go some places and then all of a sudden, I wanted to share about them as well.

I've been reading other blogs for years now, and I am deeply inspired and motivated by their consistency to post high-quality content as they reveal their true selves and I figured I wanted to be like that too. I want whoever is going to read my blog posts to be 'inspired and motivated' as well. I want them to learn from MY mistakes and make them feel like it's okay to be human - that it's okay to make mistakes. I also want them to gradually realize that they don't have to figure out everything right away.

3. What do you consider the greatest challenge in doing your blog and how you deal with it?

"I would have to say INTERNET CONNECTION. Haha! Seriously, if only I have faster Internet connection, I would be less stressed about blogging. Another thing is probably 'quiet time'. It's kinda hard to find your much needed peace when you don't have your own place.  I'm currently living at a dormitory."

 4. Final thoughts on succeeding in life.

"I would like to quote my favorite Asian business man, Jack Ma.

"Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow is SUNSHINE"

This is SO true! 5 years of blogging and I've only been getting recognition from people/readers probably around the last 2 years. Had I stopped on my first year of blogging, I would never have the chance to experience the joy of connecting with my readers even though they are halfway across the globe.

If you REALLY want something, no matter how much time you spend on it, it will never feel like 'work' because you are having fun while you are doing it. You will never feel like you are wasting your time. I feel the same way when I'm doing my full-time job and in updating my blog. Just like you, I'm still too far from what the society considers 'successful'. But success for me means basically doing only the things you truly love and getting paid for it.

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